Sunday, January 16, 2011

A day in Another City

It's been a long timee since I blogged last time. I've been away from down under, yep taking a holiday is the sweetest thing, plus I don't have a good access to internet connection. Life is getting exciting each day, like politics are getting the heat up. This new year's resolution is pretty simple to me, i hope that I can accomplish each of them...

the best thing so far is meeting my old fellas, i accidentally bumped to my old fellas when I was still in Perth, and my game buddy, and my high school buddy. Getting to meet all of them are like presents for me, like old saying said once " old friends are gems" lol.

anyways, next entry might be a lil late from schedule, big schedules are coming up. pardon me.
greetings from somewhere around the globe.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't ever get near Bieber


or else you'll get death threats from his fans! LOL as you know, Justin Bieber is together with Selena Gomez now and all his freaky fans have been threating Selena on twitter. as tmz reported, here is the deal:

@selenagomez if you'll break @justinbieber's heart I'm gonna kill you :3
-- @selenagomez I'll kill you I swear on GOD!!!!
-- @selenagomez If you are the Girlfriend of Justin I will Kill you I HATE YOU :@ !!!
-- @selenagomez whore cancer i'mm kill myself cuz i saw you and Justin kissing well thankyou Selena thankyou now i'm killing myself
-- @selenagomez stay away from Justin pedophile, retard wait i'm gonna kill ya in the night underneath your smelly bed

HAHA how hilarious is this? come on teenage brats, get a life, bieber is a human after all, he wants satisfaction from women. LOL

Monday, January 3, 2011

Im addicted to...

White tees. Yes... errr... No, seriously. I love how white tees look on everyone, without further doubt, on women. There's something speaks other than her self, like the old saying "simplicity makes the great" or "less is more", i gotta admit my fave colour is white, but white tees are different. People would go " oh, you like white tees so you can see through their bodies" lol it's ridiculous, no pornographic contents attached.

Besides that, vintage clothes,a nice blazer, or rock n' roll stuff will catch my attention as well, but i prefer simple, white tees and jeans, no i am not a fashion police, but hey I gotta say what I like!

what's your liking on your opposite gender?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Real Katy Perry


Do you wanna know how the real katy perry looks like? you've got it, my friend! Here is a picture taken by her hubby, Russell Brand and he posted on twitter (reportedly). I for now am amazed how such make-ups can make over someone... even she was topless, i wouldn't turn on.

and oh, Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!!