Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ananda Bar & Restaurant

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Alrighty, here we go again.... Been a long time since I posted an entry last time. Well, it was a loooooonnng holiday and I finally am back in Australia. First thing to do? Let's have some fun trying a new restaurant I never visited before. It was Ananda Bar & Restaurant, the theme is Spanish cuisine - sort of fusion if I may call. We ordered some tapas - Rabbit empanadilla, House Morcilla, and some more I can't remember the name of. For the main, we ordered Slow roasted beef cheeks, pork belly, organic lamb cooked in milk. The ambiance was nice, the seating was good, the staff was friendly, the food? I'd give 5 out of 10 and won't come back again, thank you. Why? the rabbit empanadilla was so-so, house morcilla was good but not good enough, the slow roasted cheeks was kind of bluff of Indian food, and pork belly was a standard dead-on, the lamb? Indonesian food wanna-be. End of story and sorry for the bash - the truth is painful sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. You went here alone bro? Could have asked me to come mate.. I'm spanish food lover too.
